Saturday, January 11, 2025

CoVid revisited

"If the Huanan market was the site of origin of the transmission chains that led to the COVID-19 pandemic, then the common ancestor of market-associated viral genotypes should be equivalent to the common ancestor of the pandemic, given appropriate sampling. To test this hypothesis, we assessed intra-sample variation of the SARS-CoV-2 environmental genomes from the Huanan market, assigned market sequences to virus lineages, and performed phylodynamic inference to compare the genetic diversity of SARS-CoV-2 within the market to its genetic diversity globally. As detailed below, we found that the MRCA of market-associated genomes was equivalent to the MRCA of the larger pandemic." CELL-volume #187, issue #19 Which means that the covid virus originated in the market as originally suspected and all the associated mis- and dis- information was unnecessary. Looking back from the perspective of almost 5 years, Beth and I marvel that so much ignorance still exists, and that men like Mr.Kennedy will soon be in charge of the U.S. Department of Health and other positions of power. There is a disturbing lack of scientific education in this country and apparently even less ability to embrace critical thinking..." Of all education systems in OECD, The United States ranked 6th in reading, 10th in science, and 26th in math." So, we are not the worst, but considering that "The US spends more on education than every other OECD country, except for Luxembourg." we are not getting our monies worth either... A PBS documentary titled 'Shot In The Arm' details some of the unfortunate controversy surrounding vaccines which persist to this day, and one 2022 study found that 87% of those who died from covid had not been vaccinated. My cynicism applauds their contributions to the 'Darwin Awards' that celebrate the stupidest ways that people die, but children suffer from the foibles of their parents, and my sympathies go to them. I am fully aware of the misuses of power and how money and politics can corrupt the best intentions, but the scientific method is the best defense humans have against the flaws of human nature; the next four years will be a profound test of Truth and Reality and those of us willing to defend the higher aspects of civilization. Those who seek only to preserve power and the fortunes of their particular tribe will do a disservice not only to the human race but to the entire planet.

1 comment:

Johnno said...

Great post Wes. Scary times ahead and it seems many have already capitulated and given up.