Had my first of two Moderna covid vaccine shots yesterday, and after twenty four hours the only side effect is mild soreness at the injection side-similar to any other shot. The second shot is scheduled for March 10th, after which additional side effects are more common although mostly mild and short lived. The Moderna vaccine is an mRNA type which stimulates cells to produce a 'spike' protein similar to the spike on the virus. The cell displays that protein on its surface which stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies against it; those antibodies later are used against a genuine covid infection should a person be infected.
I am disheartened but not surprised by the anti vaccine people and the general wariness against vaccines. Approximately 25-30% have a hesitancy about the vaccine. I attribute that to their historical suspicion caused by past abuses by researchers, and to the anti science stance of some politicians and the scientific ignorance of Americans in general. There are still many unknowns regarding how this virus will mutate and the effectiveness of the current vaccines over time, but so far they dampen the seriousness of the disease. As the virus mutates, new booster vaccines may need to be developed, but there is also a possibility that this coronavirus will eventually mutate into something no more serious than the common cold. We shall see. Meantime vaccines are the best defense against the rampant spread which will slow the mutation rate. POSTSCRIPT: May 19, 2022- An NPR study of 3,000 counties nationwide found a direct correlation between those people who voted for Mr. Trump and death from co-vid. Those who voted for him are 2.26 times more likely to die from the virus than those who did not. That is because they neglected to get the vaccine. Reasons to not get the vaccine range from suspicion of government microchips being implanted in the vaccine, to fear that it was developed 'too fast' to be safe, to a faith in 'Gods will'. Much of that 'reasoning' is associated to misinformation they are consuming on the internet or television or in their local church. But there are annual awards called Darwin Awards given out each year to people who "eliminate themselves in an extraordinarily idiotic manner, thereby improving our species' chances of long-term survival." The mostly Republican members of this group should all receive the award posthumously.
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