Thursday, December 3, 2020

One of many nationwide

   " ANF-13 (Bull Hill) was operational from July 2, 1935 until 1946, but it was converted to a German POW camp from 1942 through 1946. It was also used as a YCC, Youth Conservation Camp, in the 1970s, with the addition of mobile trailers on the site. There was a Univ. of Iowa forestry field school here in the 1980s and it was an 82d Airborne exercise area. The CCC men from here built the Farnsworth Fish Hatchery, and also Forest Roads 116, 119 and 154, as well as many other projects. Besides Bull Hill, it was also called the Austin Hill and the Cherry Grove Camp. See the "Valley Voice" (Sheffield newspaper) for Friday, Oct. 1999 for interviews, photos and maps. A 1994 edition of this paper has many more photos. An article in the Sheffield "Observer" for Aug. 13. 1935 lists the eleven buildings, which included five 110' barracks. It is west of Sheffield,PA on Route 2002, between Forest Roads 416 and 481. There is a road side historic marker, erected by the ANF. Isabelle Champlin, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, Bradford, PA., has site maps, as does the ANF."

        Walked past this marker a few weeks ago-in the middle of nowhere essentially- but I never saw any of the buildings which were torn down years ago. A lot of stonework the men did in the forest-dams and buildings and walls- has aged well. Quality stonework is a lost art and usually replaced by concrete in the modern age, although even modern concrete seems to break down much faster than that mixed in the last century. There are concrete bridges from the 1930's which are only now crumbling and ten year old concrete bridges down the road that already show signs of deterioration. It is a sad fact that workmanship is not what it used to be in many places, or at least, too expensive for the majority of us to experience.

1 comment:

Johnno said...

Really interesting Wes!