Monday, December 30, 2019

If You Want Genuine Facts

 Visit this website:            

                    or read Stephen Pinkers book "Enlightenment"

 It will help cut through the lies and distortions, deliberate and otherwise, from the government and media and Facebook. etc etc  Science and Truth do matter, and both have been very beneficial in improving the state of humanity over the past few centuries. Contrary to popular belief, people today have it VERY good compared to our ancestors in almost every nation and location..We are healthier, freer, safer, richer, longer lived and better off in almost any way you can name... Chronic cynics and pessimists are misinformed. Of course, problems remain in the world in many places, but we have to appreciate our good fortune as well. As for the future, with climate change and overpopulation and the potential for world war or pandemics...time will tell.

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