Sunday, March 24, 2019

One Monument

   The book "THE MASTER PLAN" by ex convict Chris Wilson did more to clarify the black experience as related to the justice system than any other source I have ever seen. He is a better man than most of us and I encourage everyone to read it. Along those lines...

Beth and I recently returned from a 3 week journey to the south, where we encountered this racist monument in the town of Madison, Georgia. To be fair it was erected in 1908 and overall we found the people of the south to be very friendly and courteous. They are, however, still fighting the civil war in some places and seem to have missed the larger point that preserving the “sovereignty” of their way of life meant preserving the abominable immorality of slavery. And I would like to remind those black people who still harbor resentment towards whites that the battle of Spotsylvania courthouse alone-among many others- and particularly the sacrifices at the ‘bloody angle’ show that many white men offered their lives to help right the wrongs of their misguided brothers.

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