Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Future?

I hate to sound alarmist, and sometimes I truly wish I could return to blissful ignorance, but if scientific projections are accurate, there is a real possibility that the oceans will be virtually empty by 2030, and if honeybees continue to die from CCD( colony collapse disorder) the major source of pollination for All flowering plants ( fruits,vegetables,nuts, cotton etc) will vanish by 2035...These-and other enviromental issues- are Extremely Serious problems facing this planet and the future of humanity, nevermind the political and economic consequences of oil and other resource scarcity or global warming...Fossil records show that 90% of all species that have ever existed have vanished, and that we are in the midst of what seems to be another mass extinction, apparently accelerated by humanity through loss of habitat and pollution and everything else we do...I guess I simply have to throw up my hands and say the planet would be better off without us.... even if we survive, our quality of life will be greatly reduced if we lose all our flowers and are forced to eat a gruel made of rice and corn and wheat-which are pollinated by the wind. Yet I still see people whining about trivial complaints and talking heads on the television arguing about inane minutiae...
How can we possibly call ourselves "intelligent" beings when this is our legacy? Is human nature really so selfish and short sighted? ...have I been a dreamer to expect more of my own species? Hopefully this doomsday scenario is only one possibility, yet it is some of the smartest, most informed people alive who are warning of it, so I can't help wondering if everyone else is simply putting their heads in the sand.

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