Thursday, August 30, 2007

Words and Writing

Yesterday I was contacted by the PR firm of Joel and Charlotte Parker, whom Walkfit has hired to look into the possibility of using me as part of their promotions. In response to their request for personal information about me and to introduce myself as clearly as possible, I emailed the beginning draft of my book, which I figured would give them a quick synopsis of my personal thought processes. While rereading that early draft this morning, the need for certain revisions jumped off the pages like a twist in my gut, so I guess that is the risk of letting things be seen prematurely: there is no bringing them back. I prefer to write and re-write in solitude until I am satisfied that the words and sentences and rhythm are as coherent as I can make them. If other people do not like them after I am finished, at least I can defend them to myself. Now there is a rough draft out there, parts of which are embarrassing to me. At any rate the book is irrelevant to the Walkfit endorsement except in the sense that the insoles cured my sore feet and allowed me to do the walk pain free.
Of course writers are somewhat obsessive-neurotic even-about words, and take them far too seriously while at the same time realizing they are meaningless without the actions to support them. All the words in the world will not stop a war nor save a dying love. I personally have heard too many talking heads in my life not to be a little cynical of what anyone says until they back themselves up with their behaviors. And I long ago stopped writing letters to newspapers because they have seemed useless in affecting public actions, or the editors have butchered words in order to save space. I do not suppose that Van Gogh or Mozart would have appreciated if someone had erased their colors or omitted a few notes. But?...well..I like to write and feel obligated to my God to use that talent,so hopefully someone, somewhere, has been inspired by something I have said if I have said it well.

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