Thursday, June 28, 2007


Three days back in the 'fake' world and I have discovered that my car-which has been mostly in storage for the past 14 months-has developed a disturbing engine rattle, which may mean major repairs. The garages are too busy to even look at it until July 3rd, so..welcome home to the madness...sigh...When I think of it in terms of working weeks simply to buy or fix a MACHINE...well, you can see why I question the sanity of my culture sometimes.. I have begun to revisit the book and will be working on that for the next year, in between helping my elderly mother and volunteering in the medical office, and the Walkfit gig.
Warren, PA is a small town-about 10,000-in the northwest Mts. of PA, somewhat isolated and economically struggling, but a friendly place to raise kids, with anything one needs within walking distance. The county was voted second best rural county in the nation by Progressive Farmer magazine, edged out by someplace in Kentucky that has better weather lol ...So, you know that you have arrived when Progressive Farmer recognizes your virtues! ...?

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