Section 3 ( 14th Amendment )
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office...who, having previously taken an support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof..."
I have condensed the amendment here but feel free to look it up. The key phrase to me is "...or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof." Even if you think Mr. Trump was not directly involved in the riots he certainly has aided and comforted the election denier conspirators. I know reality does not matter to his supporters so much as power, thus the earth will remain forever flat to them. But our founders were not so foolish, and this amendment was ratified shortly after our civil war-a time when the dangers of such behavior were all too clear to the nation... Of course, to remove Mr. Trump from the ballot at this late date will only inflame the deniers who will make louder claims of rigged elections and probably escalate the polarization to violence; some of them say they would welcome another civil war. So we have the foxes in the hen house and those of us who believe in truth and the constitution over lies and personality are forced to choose sides. Mr. Trumps cult-like hold on much of the Republican party has nothing to do with principles so much as their idolatry of his personality and their cynicism about the institutions that define America. I examined some of my thoughts about that in my previous post...