Tuesday, October 12, 2021

    Here is another book exposing the recurring incompetence and corruption of the last 20 years in Afghanistan, which at least helps explain why Biden was so adamant about getting out. That said, I believe that the method of the withdrawal was atrocious. Even a layperson like me could see that the Taliban were motivated and capable of overrunning the entire country as soon as the northern cities started to fall. I thought that that the departure should have begun months before and included Bagram Air Force base.. Move the people there and fly them out before closing the base. But reality is what it is and America will repeat the same mistakes in the future because that is what we do....I was alive and watched as the helicopters evacuated people from the embassy in Saigon in 1975, so it seems as though 25 years was long enough for politicians to forget and lead the nation eyes wide open into another unwinnable war that more knowledgeable people pleaded them not to. Books like this reveal the absurdity of people who believe in conspiracy theories-as though politicians or the military or anyone else could possibly agree on anything and commit to one, unified front for more than a short period of time; that simply is not in human nature, especially in short sighted, arrogant Americans-mostly middle aged white men- who believe in their own superiority. It was as early as December, 2001 when the mission in Afghanistan became murky and plans were being discussed to invade Iraq, so like the Vietcong before them, the Taliban and Pakistanis wisely said, ' We will wait you out'.