this is a smaple of the emails I have been sending my representatives..
>As a Pennsylvania resident I
object strongly to your immoral and unethical and probably treasonous attempts
to enable Mr. Trumps false claims of election fraud. The use of mail in ballots
here was a totally reasonable adaptation to help save lives during an extremely
unusual and deadly time-just as masks and social distancing have been. The
votes were accurately counted and Mr. Biden won. To argue a legal technicality
in order to dismiss the votes of millions of American citizens is both despicable
and dishonors all those men and women who have died protecting our democracy.
Shame on you for being on the wrong side of history and humanity. As a white
man I now understand the centuries of voter suppression that the black race has
faced in this country. Stop the madness and your support of the immature child
man ranting in the white house...This is McCarthyism all over again, but apparently some people- mostly
Republicans like you- have never learned genuine integrity. Pathetic…<
The above is an
email I have sent to my representative Glenn Thompson and, in a modified form,
to Mr. Trump, Mr. McConnel, Mr. Cruz and others in our state and national governments.
In all my 65 years I have never experienced such an egregious assault on the
integrity of our elections, nor such a blatant, self serving distortion of the
good spirit of the vote. For the Republican party to support these attempts is
absolutely disgusting to me, so it is difficult for me to disguise my contempt
for the men and women whose personal character is so lacking. If nothing else,
this year should remind all of us of how easy it is for a nation to fall into
anarchy, when millions are willing to follow a leader into lies and
darkness. Some of these people are threatening civil war because of totally fabricated conspiracy theories and the self serving distortions of their cult leader. The disheartening thing is that
many of these people are so called good Christians, yet they lack the
critical, consistent thinking to comprehend the most basic
facts and assertions....So again I write rather than be complicit in silence, and I pray
that our institutions continue to defend the people rather than the corruption of those in power.