Wednesday, September 30, 2020


     The leaves are about 50% changed, with vibrant yellow, red and orange maples being the predominant color so far. The dry summer and a couple light frosts have made for an excellent leaf season, as contrasted with last years rain which had the leaves turning brown and falling early. Depending on storms and winds things can change overnight, so waiting for a 'peak' is sometimes risky if one is planning a vacation.The pond in the picture is one of a dozen at Buzzard Swamp, dug decades ago and now being filled with silk. Beavers have assumed residence and built their 'dam' across the spillway over which the gravel access road was constructed. The beavers lodge can
be seen in the distance by zooming in past that path through the algae. Beavers are mostly nocturnal although I have seen them swim past me while fishing in daylight. 

     These are the first pictures I have taken with a new Fujifilm Finepix XP130 camera I bought for $130 to replace a Canon SX720 camera that stopped working when perspiration entered the camera as I was carrying it while climbing a mountain. An earlier Panasonic point and shoot camera also stopped working from what I thought was  a minimal amount of water, so this time I've opted for a 'waterproof/shockproof' model. We'll see if that makes a difference. I have a larger SLR camera that takes excellent pictures but is too bulky for hiking, so I need a portable camera. So far this Fuji seems to take better pictures than the more expensive and more highly rated Canon, so listening to the 'experts' is not always helpful. The sole advantage of the Canon was a better zoom lens, but the pictures always seemed a bit blurry and the camera had a hard time focusing.


Monday, September 21, 2020

One more time responding to the 'flat earthers'...

    In my last post I iterated the pointlessness of words when discussing politics and Mr. Trump in particular, but the below article was later posted in the local newspaper ( people are Republican by a 2 to 1 ratio in Warren County) and I had to respond rather than be complicit in my silence. I am encouraged by the fact that Science magazine-the premier American journal for science and the scientific search for Truth-and Scientific American-another science magazine catering more to the layperson-have both resolved to become more political in their defense of reality.  After Mr. Trumps deliberate lies about co-vid ( ... the latest among many) were revealed in Bob Woodwards book 'Rage', both institutions decided they had to become more vocal about defending facts against the distorted Facebook and Trump worldview. So here are scans of both the original article and my response, printed a week later: may have to click on the images to read them properly...

POSTSCRIPT:  This is another local letter to editor which exemplifies the distorted moral arguments of some religious people-as if this guy would defend Trump if he murdered people because "God"s plan would support an arrogant, low character leader through some sort of dysfunctional association with Christianity. Whatever happened to the 10 commandments and simple human decency and compassion? This is the kind of simplistic, inconsistent thinking that really concerns me... ( copying software corrupted the punctuation and capital letters etc, but the words are exactly as printed )

Dear Editor: 

Donald Trump is a fighter! He fights"tooth and nail," sometimes not even waiting for his opponent to finish speaking. That is what I like about him! Our nation is being lured by the left toward socialism and we are in a desperate battle to continue with Christian principles and freedom of religion.We do not need a "Mr. Nice Guyl" We need a fighter! I admire Mr. Trump for his savvy, strength and courage to stand up against our enemies, at home and abroad.: Mr. Trump is not perfect; not able to judge what will happen in the future.Will you who are perfect step forward and "cast the first stone ..." "With the media against him and their constant broadcasting of mostly the negative and omitting much of the good, I arn amazed at his strength and will-power to continue. In both the Old and New Testament, we're told about many strong leaders who were very imperfect people. Moses committed murder, King David committed adultery and murder, Saul,, before he became Paul,was like a "religious gangster," Peter and the other disciples lived beside Jesus,heard his teaching and saw Him perform miracles, and yet when He needed their support and prayers, they failed Him. But look how God later used these as leaders.God seems to delight in using very imperfect people to do His work. Many church-goers in England at first did not look with favor at Winston Churchill, perhaps because of his bull-dog look and fondness for certain liquid refreshment. Some preachers today have come under the shadow of political correctness, that they are afraid to talk from the pulpit about anything political for fear it may offend someone and they will no longer attend their church to put their money into the offering plates ..."doesn't sound like Nathan the prophet who risked his head when he stood before king David and courageously said, "Thou art the man l" God can use even imperfect rnen like Mr. Trump. May we Americans be wise enough to look beyond his faults and give him the support he needs to lead us away from socialism. I have lived in a socialistic country for 14 years! I have seen it first hand. Socialism does notwork well at all, except for those of the government who are in control. It sounds good, but it does not encourage people to work. Why work when the government will do everything for you?" is a temptation too many cannot resist, But, someone said, "Hunger is a good motivator. " On the Internet, I watched a political advertisement in favor of Joe Biden. I heard the man talk about looking at his face and knowing he was a "good dude." Heaven help us if we judge people by their face, soft manner and smooth talk, Most politicians are attractive people and able to talk perfectly and look you right in the eye while they lie to You. May we be wise enough to judge our leaders by what they have done and not the smooth clever way they talk and promise. We need someone who has opposed the murder of precious unborn babies, who has greatly helped our economy and has supported Israel better than any American leader in a very long while.We need a fighter who can stand toe to toe against China's Xu Jinping, Russia's Vladimir Putin and North Korea's KimJong-un and not be deceived by lran's false promises. At the present it appears that the only candidate who can begin to do this is Mr. Trump. For the sake of my children and grand-children, I beg You, America, wake up! One last note. What a precious privilege to have the freedom and opportunity to write our feelings and opinions and have them published in a newspaper. This newspaper contributes greatly to our political and religious freedom. I express my sincere thanks and admiration.Stephen Rieder,Warren, PA

Tuesday, September 1, 2020



      As some people who know me know, I have been thinking about writing this Trump blog for a month, but whenever I start to write I think of the pointlessness of more words; four years into his administration there is nothing I can write that can further illuminate Mr. Trumps psychological constitution. What you see is what you get, and peoples minds are made up. In his inaugural address he lied about the size of the assembled crowd despite photographic evidence, and over his term has continually labeled the press the “enemy of the people. Now he is falsely claiming mail in ballots will cause election fraud despite evidence to the contrary, and despite that he himself uses them. It seems as though the average person who supports Mr. Trump does not much care about his moral or ethical character nor his dismissal of science, nor do they analyze how a born millionaire who has not had to work a day in his life can possibly understand their blue collar problems. Religious conservatives seem to totally disregard his infidelities and other character lapses in defense of anti-abortion and pro-Israel policies. That is, they support him because he claims to be a Republican (he has changed party affiliation 5 times since 1987) rather than because he is a good man. So, according to consistent polls, 35% of the American public agree with the cult of Trump regardless of what he says or does.

      Locally, I have heard supporters utter simplistic racist comments and believe that he is a great businessman despite his history of bankruptcies and money laundering for Russia and other corrupt regimes. Some would rather go down in a hail of bullets than give up their “right” to own an assault weapon. They resist wearing face masks because it is an infringement on their “rights” rather than empathizing that it is not their “right” to infect other people. To deflect from the true purpose of the Black Lives Matter protests, they focus on the looters and arsonists, who in fact are a minority- just as those cops who shoot blacks in the back are a minority. Both are criminals who must be disciplined. The difference is that the police monitor themselves. That is what the Black Lives Matter movement is struggling to change. Any closed institution- from a corporation to a police union to the Catholic Church, to the Washington bubble- is inherently self interested and needs outside oversight to function ethically. 

      From my perspective-and I am still struggling with the pointlessness of writing all these things- most people in the nation have chosen their own little tribe and many have been “grasping for opinion.” rather than facts and reality. The present demonizing of one another is a sure recipe for tension and discord and distrust. I have long ago learned that humility and compassion and compromise-and Truth- are the paths to peace, but there is little of that in the country right now... and too little genuine wisdom from the top on down.

    This is from a recent article/interview with Elizabeth Neumann:  

"Elizabeth Neumann left her position as assistant secretary of counterterrorism and threat prevention after three years at DHS. In an interview with NPR's Steve Inskeep, she offers a candid assessment of the counter-terrorism community's failure to address the threat posed by domestic extremism.

"He (Trump) uses rhetoric to scare people. This is a known psychological tactic that if you get people to fear, they tend to follow you to the solution of 'How are we going to save ourselves?' And his answer is, 'It's me. If you vote for me, I will save you,' " she says. "Well, for some people, the way that they think that they need to protect themselves, it's more than just a vote for a president. It's 'let me go kill people.' "

When Trump finally started using the term "domestic extremism" himself in the summer of 2020, it was in reference to the violence and looting that occurred during the protests across the country against police brutality targeting Black Americans, which the President attributed to "antifa." For Neumann, this was an obvious red herring. She says that the numbers don't bear out the idea that left-wing violence is as much of a problem as right-wing violence, and arrests during the summer's protests demonstrate that.

"If you look at the people that have been arrested for that, by and large, I mean, it's the boogaloo movement or it's an association with QAnon. It's the right side of the spectrum. It is not antifa." She's unequivocal about this "The threat of domestic terrorism is not from antifa. It is from these right-wing movements."...So... this lifelong Republican with an inside track will vote for Biden. Google it. Read the article. She witnessed it first hand. She knows the truth behind the BS.

POSTSCRIPT:   My sister and I disagree fundamentally about much of this, or at least, she is cynical about All people in power and thinks everything is corrupt and politicized and monetized. To her, nothing will separate the money from the politics and that Every bit of information-even the science- is skewed and biased and that 'her' side,( that is, the conservative, Christian voices), are deliberately and systematically being suppressed. It is a dark, pessimistic view of human nature, and I am not nearly as cynical as her, but we agree to disagree and an ability to talk is essential for peace in this nation and the world.