Beth and I returned from our journey south a couple weeks ago, and the highlight of the sightseeing was Carlsbad Caverns in southern New Mexico and Great Sand Dunes National park in southern Colorado. I had been touring around the south east for a month before meeting Beth in Austin, after which we continued west. We were in this campground in New Mexico( Bottomless Lake State Park) on March 12th when the ranger came around and notified everyone that all state parks in N. M. were closing because of the corona virus. That altered our plans to meander so we headed north to Colorado and eventually had to head straight home when all parks and most businesses started closing. For anyone who has not seen the western landscape, it is thousands of miles of flat, open, dry scrub terrain filled with massive ranches in an even more massive wasteland. To some states credit, energy producers have utilized the open land for windmills and solar power farms, and Texas was notable for having solar, wind and oil/gas production side by side. Texas also has the best roads in the nation, although not the best signage; not everyone uses GPS so clear road signs would have been appreciated. Louisiana has the worst roads, a few of which, although macadam, were so rough that I refused to take the van on them lest I shake loose every bolt on the chassis. I had to have the front wheel bearings replaced in Oklahoma, but found an honest shop and mechanic in Hugo, Oklahoma who had me back on the road in less than 24 hours. Thanks Superior Wheel and Tire...
To alleviate the cramped quarters Beth and I stayed in a motel a few times, but otherwise utilized campgrounds and Walmarts for sleeping. We toured Waco, TX and the Magnolia Silos soon after meeting up, and residents there told us that Chip and Joanna Gaines are as down to earth as their TV show indicates; the tourism that Fixer Upper has generated continues to revitalize the town. On reflection, we both marvel over this extremely diverse nation, and sometimes it is hard to remember that we are all one people, so varied are the cultures and landscapes. It truly is Americas genius that we share the same overriding Constitutional principles. Beth and I have many more places to visit-with the van or otherwise- such as Yellowstone, Glacier, and Rocky Mt National Parks, plus the hundreds of lesser known but just as remarkable places we seem to stumble upon each time we travel.