Friday, July 27, 2018

Kettle Creek Stae Park

     Beth and I have been camping at Kettle Creek Sate Park the last couple weekends, a beautiful isolated lake and mountainous park located in the north central part of PA. The upper campground offers some great views and is nearly empty on Sunday nights.
     On the morning of the 22nd I was fishing at the lake and noticed something odd floating in the water, which after some observation turned out to be two large snapping turtles mating. From a distance they looked alternatively like an otter lounging on its back or something dead floating in the waves. As I descended the bank for a closer look I was stopped short by a buzzing rattle sound which was this timber rattlesnake only a few feet from my legs. Fortunately this species warns intruders so I was able to stop and back away easily. As I bicycled back to camp for my camera I passed the local warden who returned with me to capture and relocate the snake to another area. She told me that the reptiles are very territorial and do not tolerate being moved more than 100 yards or so, so she released it further up the mountain away from human activity. By the time I had returned with the camera the turtles had vanished.
                                                           All in all an interesting morning, for I had never seen a rattle snake nor mating turtles despite thousands of miles and hours in the woods!