Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Long Time

With some surprise I see that it's been three months since I've written here...but after thirty five years of journal I've genuinely gotten to a point of thinking that there is not much left to say that is not repetitive. I have no need to micro analyze life anymore. At the end of the walk I recall thinking that words seemed pointless and ineffectual compared to action, and there was already far too much babble on the airwaves and in business and government. During the past few months Beth and I have done additional work around the house, visited my kids to the east, taken numerous walks and bike rides, and earned the money that makes it possible. I've watched Iraq fall apart and shake my head at the incompetence of the men who made the decisions that wasted so many lives and dollars. Not their own lives and dollars of course, which made it so easy for them. But the dog is sleeping peacefully on the chair, and I'd rather soothe myself in it's innocence than grow bitter over the failings of human beings. Probably the best books I've read lately have been about the Beatles and Robert E. Lee, and presently I'm reading a tour guide about the southwest, where Beth and I plan to visit when we have the freedom-in about two years I think. In the meantime we'll do shorter trips around here, including to West Virginia where her daughter Kim will be marrying her fiancee Rich in October.
POSTSCRIPT:  If the atrocities of the ISIS army are to be believed,(..and I am quite aware of America's role in creating this mess, going at least as far back as disbanding the Iraqi army in 2003, of whom some members make up this current crop of 'terrorists'~remember the 'playing cards' most wanted list?) I guess they have to be compared to the Nazis,and the Khmer Rouge, and all the other ignorant barbarians humanity has had to suffer over our collective history. It was only 154 years ago that we fought a civil war to end slavery, which of course did nothing to stop bigotry and hate in the minds of many people, so these guys are just the latest expression of the darkest side of human nature. In the name of God no less, which is a perversion of the loving spirit and proof of their profound ignorance. As I always try to do when confronted with such closed minds, I preserve my inner sympathy and love while doing everything necessary to protect the innocent from such people. That means killing them if there is no alternative, but without bitter judgement, rather as a necessity like building a shelter against a tornado or shooting an attacking lion. I truly believe that as individuals we have to refrain from hateful, vengeful reactions against the hate and anger we encounter, for that only drags us down and affects our own inner peace. Meanwhile the Ebola virus and global warming and other potentially devastating threats to humanity are in our awareness, so it is incumbent upon us to choose our battles wisely, and respond appropriately. I'm not convinced that anything matters so much as preserving love and humility in the way we treat one another, for I think that we are ultimately judged by the empathy and compassion we share ~ if only in self affecting ways.