Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Kenny Thrives

;-                After a difficult month of September-for personal reasons-Kenny has settled into an inspirational life of music at Edinboro University...The music department has been downsized and future cuts have been threatened, but for now Kenny says that he is loving his life there, and we can observe the positive impact that his professors are having on him. This picture is from a chorus concert on November 10th, which to my ears was a professional presentation that brought tears to my eyes. As he has been challenged by the fresh new talent around him he has responded by producing the best music we have ever heard him do. In that sense of using and developing his God given talents he is exactly where he should be...If Edinboro can no longer provide musical education he will transfer to another school and is already dreaming of the prestigious universities to the east.
-As for the snow...we woke up to three inches that gave the woods the look and feel of January...Too soon for my tastes but Warren weather can go from short sleeves to icicles in the span of a week, so that's the nature of the town.