Friday, February 18, 2011


I would Not support the cushy deals the teachers unions have IF Wall street and corporations and politicians had not robbed the middle class blind over the last three decades...( example? GE pays 7.4% or Less in tax on it's billions of U.S. profits due to "tax shelters" and lobbying and "innovative' accounting"...) 85% of the net wealth in this country is owned by 20% of the people..the bottom 80% own just 15%. End of story. The former have the gall to say that they earned it. I suspect this is only the beginning of class warfare that has been festering a long time, and I for one will defend the poor. Our system as it stands IS morally bankrupt. An excellent book that details our present situation is "CORNERED" by Barry C. Lynn just a chapter or two and you will understand the intuitive suspicions you have about what has gone wrong with this country.

Friday, February 11, 2011

An Astounding Fact

According to a recent poll, 45% of Americans did not know that the sun was a star. That sounds incredible to me. What have our schools been teaching? How can we expect to survive in a technologically global society if elementary science is neglected? I guess the water will settle at the level it deserves, and this is one more example of the country wide pessimism regarding America's future. No...I do not lose sleep over such things, merely observe the society around me and the lack of will-in both individuals and institutions- to do anything constructive. The corruption and bureaucracy in America are different in kind but not in scope from the corruption being protested currently in Egypt, so Egyptians are now fighting for the democracy that we have perverted by our mismanagement. I have no illusion that if things become worse here there will be more angry people in the streets-but I wonder what would replace democracy- a dictator who would rightly or wrongly impose his will? yes my 45% neighbors, the sun is a star some 8.3 light minutes away from us, and the next closest star is about 4.2 light years away, which is the distance light-at around 186,000 miles per second-would travel in that time. Visible light would encircle the 25,000 mile diameter earth about 7.4 times in one second. Basic science is simple really, with truly astounding facts!