Monday, November 24, 2008


The Walkfit infomercial has been completed and my testimonial is about 2/3's of the way through the the way, those are the original '3,000 mile' inserts I wore for the entire walk, still usable...I really do owe them my healthy feet -which are priceless but only cost me $20 ...and yes, I do still wear a pair in all my shoes..........

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


ahhh, Mr. Obama is a dreamer and idealist whose enemies are cynicism, apathy and hate...but the world has sighed a collective sigh of relief that our reputation-decimated by the Bush years-can be repaired....To those who argued against his "inexperience" was "experience" that made the mess we're in. To those who criticized his "socialism" well, "free enterprise" has shown itself quite flawed..What shall it be-socialism or greed? or no doubt a little of both?... I am always amazed at the simplistic arguments of the propoganda machines to justify both positions...Funny thing is, Truth and Reality always seem to intrude into human nature and shit happens anyway. Me? Like John said " I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round..." Who knows-maybe a meteorite will hit tomorrow and make it all irrelevant...I'll still put my faith in Creation and hope for the best , as I have always done...the future is what we face Together or divided http//

POSTSCRIPT: I am the most encouraged I have been in years by the intelligent manner with which Obama is choosing his cabinet, such as Nobel physicist Steven Chu for energy secretary... My God! A president who is not afraid of reason and actual facts! Hopefully the next four years will be the long overdue start of a new future during which foresight has a place.