Took my mother to the theater in town today to hear the Erie Philhamonic perform Brahams and Beethoven and Barber-a sparse audience but a good show...very talented musicians...They did the Fifth Symphony-not my favorite Beethoven but well done, and hearing a live orchestra make it look easy is always humbling...The Struthers theater is one of those local gems-fully restored to it's prime condition dating from 1883, and this concert was/is part of their 125th Anniversary celebration year...It's an intimate 977 seat venue so there is not a bad seat in the house and we were front row center balcony...
Day to day I'm just working on the book-which is more challenging than the walk- and shoveling snow and musing about the future-comparing motorcycles that I might want to strap to the back of the motorhome and use to explore the country in more depth...That day is years away and dependent on various unknowns, but still rests in the back of my mind. My eldest son will be getting married in June and my youngest son dreams of running the San Francisco marathon with a friend in a couple of years...so both are well on their way in their own lives...People around here seem to be doing well overall, although I suppose that I tend to minimize their complaints sometimes, for two have MS and another is raising the daughter of an irresponsible son and another is dealing with the stress and additional costs of a new house...I think all of them have a deep seated appreciation of the abundance of America, and do not complain except in that casual way that we all question the absurdities of being alive. But I am such a detached member of this world that I really am not qualified to judge it, for much of American life appears trivial to me and I cannot take too seriously some of the things that people worry over. I empathize with a man in town who immigrated from Africa a few years ago and says that Americans appear spoiled to him-that when he visits his homeland the people seem happier despite their material poverty...No doubt in their search for what is missing Americans have become the most materialistic spiritualists the world has ever known..